Sunday Times E-Paper



1. Leo fibs about his personal weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. (7)

5. Stable young and future stallions. (5)

8. Pertaining to chrysophanic acid found in rhubarb. (5)

9. Announce formally or officially; promulgate. (7)

10. A person or thing that makes something possible. (7)

11. Relating to the law. (5)

12. Open spaces in a forest. (6)

14. Shake with seismic vibrations. (6)

17. Musically in a slow tempo and dignified style. (5)

19. Permit from an authority to own or use something. (7)

22. In Norse mythology, this dwarf had the power to change himself into a pike. (7)

23. Critical and important. (5)

24. Overt pieces of a treasure. (5)

25. A bubblelike formation in the cavity of tracheids or vessels in the wood of trees. (7)


1. Make a fake version at the blacksmith’s workshop. (5)

2. Japanese art of flower arranging. (7)

3. Certainly not foreign. (5)

4. of surpassing excellence. (6)

5. He will mend your torn shoes. (7)

6. Polygraph jiggling act whilst resting. (5)

7. Learned or erudite person. (7)

12. A bitter start for an insect that is so brave. (7)

13. To persuade, or to gain, by entreaty. (7)

15. Official records of meetings. (7)

16. Complaint made to a court of law seeking redress of a grievance. (6)

18. Event for cowboys to showcase their skills. (5)

20. Courteous and polite. (5)

21. The chief evil jinni in Islamic mythology. (5)

Entries should be written clearly and addressed to: “The Editor, the Sunday Times, P. O. Box 1136, Colombo 2”, to reach on or before

12 noon, on October 28, 2021. Write: “Times Crossword, No.1118”, on the top left hand corner of the envelope. The first all correct entry opened wins a prize of Rs. 1500 and the second Rs.1000. There are also five consolation prizes of Rs. 500 each. Names of the winners and the correct solution will appear on October 31, 2021.

Name ..................................................................................................... Address: ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................





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